субота, 16 квітня 2016 р.


12 квітня 2016 року на базі Долішньошепітського НВК я провела 2 відкриті уроки для колег району, щоб поділитися досвідом, набутим під час тренінгів. Перший урок був у 2 класі на тему "Одяг". Ось скорочений план уроку.

Topic Clothes Class 2            Age 7-8
Outcomes: by the end of the lesson SWBAT
Name the items of clothing using color properly
Identify singular/ plural properly
Make up unprepared sentences
Describe their clothes
Dress the paper doll
At the lesson the following activities were used:
1.      Greeting song – Cl         1 m
2.      Lead-in (questions What’s your name? How old are you? Where are you from?) T-S      1 m
3.      Warm-up. The memory game On the washing line I can see (a blue jumper etc. based on picture cards) S1-S2-S3                                 2-3 m
4.      Game “Race” – 1) reading    2) watching a picture card and taking the word card   in 2 teams     2-3 m
5.      Revising This is – These are                1 m
6.      Grouping (by candies)              2m
7.      Categorizing (put the words under the titles)          (this is these are)                   5m
8.      Describing the picture using the pattern This is a red dress or These are white socks 
         –S1-S2-S3     2-3 m
9.      Making the sentences (PPP) S1-S2-S3                   2 min
10.  Describing their own clothes using pattern I’m wearing ______           2 min
11.  Dancing “Monkey song”                1.50 min
12.  Grouping by cookies                        1 min
13.  Dress the doll (in groups) – reading and applying the skills. (The problem situation is the following: mom’s gone to work and left the notice to dress the younger brother (or sister) for the kindergarten)         5 min
14.  Pairing by color cards                  2 min
15.  Watching Peppa Pig cartoon                  3 min
16.  Doing post-watching tasks in pairs                3 min
17.  Feedback (using happy and sad faces)             1,5 min
18.  Evaluating                   1,5  min
19.  HW To colour Peppa’s clothes and to write at least 2 sentences           2-3 min

Ось відео уроку.

 Другий уроку - у 9 класі на тему "Навколишнє середовище".
Короткий план уроку :
Outcomes                      SWBAT
Speak on environmental problems and solutions
Report about survey results
Make up questions on the topic and participate in the interview
1.     Greeting (video+ HO)

Are the lights on? Yes, they are.
Is the blackboard clean? Yes, it is.
Is there chalk on the blackboard? Yes, there is.
Are the students here? Yes, they are.
Is the teacher here? Yes, she is.
Is it time to begin? Yes, it is.

2.     Introducing the topic (Field of wonders) revising the  spelling.
4.     Mind – map
5.     Grouping by pictures
6.     P.76 Doing the quiz. Ex.1,2
78.     Pairing (with stripes)
9.    Watch the video and put the problems and solutions in the order they appear in the video. (in pairs) -Stripe story.
10.                       If I were… Imagine, you are a President of Ukraine and have a power to change something in this country. What would you do?
11.                       Now, as individuals, as citizens of our country – let’s make a class survey – how green are you? What’s your attitude to the environment? Think of a question, mingle in the class for 3 minutes and then report to the others.
12.                       Would you like to know how are the things abroad? It was your homework to prepare questions. Let’s make the interview. (Skype interview with an American)
14.                       Do you know what do the 3 R’s mean? What cartoon did we watch last time? About what? How do they collect rubbish, in what way? Can we do this at our homes?
15.                       Before writing down the home task let’s watch a video. So your hometask is to write down and describe one idea of reusing old things at home.
16.                       Feedback with cards. If you learn something new and the lesson was useful- put a tick in the box.

17.                       Evaluation.

Відео 9 класу.

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